
Monday 14 April 2014

Your Baby Week By Week: Book Review

I’m acutely aware that reading is a luxury that most new mums are unlikely to be afforded, however, I highly recommend this book to any new mum or mum-to-be.

I didn’t come across this until Franky was about 10 weeks old and I WISH I’d found it sooner!

Your Baby Week By Week does exactly what it says!

The book basically takes you through the first 6 months of your babys life, week by week and lets you know what to expect at each point.

Each week is broken down into super useful topics;

A General overview






Development & Playing

When to see a Doctor

What’s Happening to Mum

Planning Ahead

I could really have done with this book in the first few weeks, when you have no idea what your doing and more than anything, are just looking for a bit of reassurance and guidance.

Its brilliant for helping to explain your babys behaviour and patterns, reassuring you that you’re doing just fine and that your baby is as ‘normal’ as any baby is!

It’s easy to read and follow and each chapter/week follows the same format.

I got my book from Amazon for £9.09 and I’m finding its worth its weight in gold.

1 comment:

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